Essence Health & Wellbeing


Essence Health & Wellbeing is owned and operated by Margie McConvill, a highly qualified complementary therapy practitioner with a wide range of knowledge and experience.

Spa and Wellness Services

Reflexology, Aromatic Relaxation Massages using Hot Stones, Facials, Foot Treatments, Facial Reflexology, Australian Bush Flower Essences, Reproflexology, Pregnancy Pamper, Oncology Massage, 2-hour Top to Toe Treatment, Aromatic Kinesology, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and Birth Reimprinting, Infant Massage Instruction.


Margaret teaches a number of reflexology and aromatherapy workshops at the Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre.

Other Services

Margie has created a range of nourishing skincare products including cleansers, face scrubs, face serums, and moisturisers for a number of clients and uses these products during her facial treatments.  They are also available for sale.

Margie also designs aromatherapy blends for shampoos, conditioners, body washes and body lotions.

Individually prescribed blends and products can also be made for personalised skincare issues.

Appointments are required by calling or texting Margie on 0414 362 961.


27 Golf Links Road,  Hepburn 3461  View Map

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