Are you interested in running for Council?

Nominations for local government elections close on 17 September 2024 at 12 noon. To be a candidate for a local council election, you must:

  • be an Australian citizen
  • be aged 18 years of age
  • be enrolled on the voters' roll for the council in which you wish to stand
  • have completed the mandatory Local Government Candidate Training
  • not be disqualified from being a Councillor.

Visit the VEC website for more information.

Candidate information

Information Sessions and resources

The below sessions are offered to provide potential candidates with information about the role of a Councillor and the role of local government. Note: mandatory candidate training will be offered by the VEC. The below sessions do not meet this requirement. 

Session Facilitator Date Location Information/ Registration
Stand for Council (Loddon Campaspe) Municipal Association of Victoria Wednesday 17 July 2024, 6:00pm to 9:00pm Virtual (Zoom) MAV
Stand for Council (Wimmera / Southern Mallee) Municipal Association of Victoria Thursday 8 August 2024, 6:30pm to 8:30pm Ballarat Town Hall/ Virtual (Zoom) MAV

Other Candidate Resources

Stand for Council | MAV
Victorian Electoral Commission
Victorian Local Government Association
Know Your Council
Local Government Act 2020 

Councillor Induction Program

Councillors-Elect will be sworn in on Tuesday 19 November 2024 commencing at 5:30pm, with the election of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor scheduled for Tuesday 26 November 2024 at 5:30pm.

Many elements of the Councillor Induction Program are mandated by the Local Government Act 2020. The majority of the induction will be delivered between 18 November 2024 and 13 December 2024 and will include:

  • The role of Councillors
  • The role of a Councillor, Mayor and Deputy Mayor 
  • The role of the CEO 
  • Overview of the Organisation
  • Introduction to the Local Government Act 2020, and other key legislation 
  • Council policies
  • Community Engagement process and requirements
  • Meeting procedures
  • Councillor Conduct
  • Privacy, FOI and Public Transparency 
  • Conflicts of Interest and Gifts 
  • Councillor Staff Interaction 
  • Overview of Committees and external bodies 
  • Audit and Risk Committee and Council audit programs 
  • The overview of the first 6 months of the term (including the Council Plan, Long Term Financial Plan, Council Vision and Asset Plan)  
  • Reconciliation and Traditional Owners  
  • Gender equality, diversity and inclusiveness  
  • Media training
  • Use of IT Equipment.

Regular Councillor Briefings are planned for 3 December 2024 and 10 December 2024 during business hours, with the first Ordinary Council Meeting of the term planned for 17 December 2024, commencing at 5:30pm.

Why stand?

The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) have put together the following videos from retiring Councillors describing their time in local government.

Lord Mayor Sally Capp AO, City of Melbourne


Cr Claudia Nguyen, Yarra City Council


Cr Rohan Leppert, Melbourne City Council


Cr Rob Gersch, Hindmarsh Shire Council