Forms & fees
How much do Council Services cost? See our fees and charges from 1 July in our (PDF, 2MB)Budget 24/25(PDF, 2MB) from page 58.
Council offers a wide range of services to our communities. Discretionary services are those that residents can choose to use, such as recreation services, aged care, applications for planning and building approvals and human services. In most cases Council provides these on a fee-for-service, or user-pays basis, rather than funding them entirely out of rates and other general revenues.
Some of these fees and charges, such as statutory planning fees, are set by state government statute and are commonly known as ‘statutory or regulatory fees'. In these cases, Council has no control over service pricing. Non-regulatory fees and charges, however, are set by Council annually.
Some community facility hire fees can be waived if eligibility criteria are met. See Council’s Affordable Access to Council Facilities(PDF, 140KB) policy for details.
Planning and building
Events and venues