Executive Leadership Team

Our CEO, Bradley Thomas, is responsible for establishing and maintaining an organisational structure that ensures the decisions of Council are implemented, and its strategic objectives are delivered.

The CEO also provides timely advice to Council.

The Council delegates the powers, duties, and functions of the council to the CEO. The CEO is the only direct employee of the Council, and all of our 200 other employees report through their respective managers to the CEO.

The Executive Leadership Team is appointed by the CEO and assists in the overall leadership and governance of the organisation. In particular it:

  • provides impartial and professional advice to Council
  • implements the policies and strategic directions set by our Council
  • leads the organisation and its people, including enhancing collaboration and providing stewardship for the future
  • manages ongoing programs and services
  • supports good local governance in the community
  • builds partnerships with Victorian and Federal Government and key community and corporate stakeholders, and advocates in the best interests of the community, consistent with Council priorities.


Bradley Thomas at the Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens

Bradley Thomas – Chief Executive Officer (CEO)  

Bradley became CEO of Hepburn Shire Council in May 2022. He first joined Council in January 2019 as Director Corporate Services.

He holds a Bachelor of Commerce, MBA and is a qualified chartered accountant. 

He is experienced in all areas of the organisation, with excellent skills in local government finance, information technology, corporate reporting and advocacy. He is committed to driving positive changes, leading by example and working to embed continuous improvement into everyday operations.

Prior to joining Hepburn Shire Council, Bradley’s history in Local Government dates back to 2008, with previous roles including Executive Manager Business Performance with Mount Alexander Council, and various finance roles City of Greater Bendigo.

The office of the CEO incorporates the following areas of responsibility:

  • Councillor Support
  • Executive Services

Bradley is the outgoing president of the Victorian chapter of FinPro, the peak body for finance professionals, a role held from 2020-2024. He is also on the board of Tourism Midwest Victoria Board, MAV WorkCare and Rural Councils Victoria.

Contact: bthomas@hepburn.vic.gov.au

Executive Assistant to the CEO & Councillors, Michelle Dove



Bruce Lucas 2024 at Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens

Bruce Lucas – Director Infrastructure and Delivery

Bruce joined Hepburn Shire Council as Director Infrastructure in February 2012. 

He has a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering, and an Associate Diploma of Engineering (Civil).

Bruce is experienced in local government engineering, asset management, emergency management and effective management of operational and capital programs, waste management and development services.

With over 30 years of experience in regional Councils, Bruce enjoys the partnership with local communities in delivering high quality services and infrastructure. Having been involved in many significant natural disasters, including Black Saturday and major flood events across the region he also has responsibility for Emergency management arrangements within Council.

As a Board Director for the Central Victoria Greenhouse Alliance and a member of their Finance & Audit Committee he also has an active role in managing Councils Circular Economy and Sustainability portfolios.

The Infrastructure Directorate focuses on delivering clean and well-presented assets and services for residents and visitors alike in a high functioning team. It includes all aspects of council’s built and natural environment, infrastructure and waste management. The Directorate is responsible for:

  • Asset planning & engineering and urban & landscape design.
  • Construction and maintenance of roads, footpaths and drainage systems.
  • Development, protection and maintenance of parks and the natural environment areas under council’s jurisdiction.
  • Management of waste and recycling services, landfill sites, transfer stations.
  • Planning, designing and delivering significant infrastructure projects.
  • Management of Council’s facilities, maintenance and property transactions including purchases/sales and leases/licences.

In partnership with the community, the directorate ensures:

  • A connected community with healthy living, culture, heritage and creative industries
  • Support for Council's advisory committees including LGBTIQA+, gender equity, disability, and the Heather Mutimer International Women's Day committee
  • Support for our business and agricultural sectors
  • Focus on tourism strategy and initiatives
  • Community events support
  • Delivery of community engagement and community grants programs
  • Development and support for the Shire's sports and recreation organisations and facilities

Contact: blucas@hepburn.vic.gov.au

Executive Assistant to Director Infrastructure and Delivery, Paulette Pleasance



Brooke Holmes Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens

Brooke Holmes - Director Performance and Transformation

Brooke joined Hepburn Shire Council as Executive Manager People and Transformation in July 2023.

Brooke has a Bachelor of Behavioural Studies, a Graduate Diploma of Business Management, and is a Prosci® Certified Change Practitioner.

With over 10 years in regional Councils and statutory authorities, Brooke is known for driving organisational excellence through future focused leadership and strategic foresight. With a background spanning various facets of organisational development, transformation, and performance management, Brooke has consistently steered organisations towards high-performance cultures and future-ready workforces.

Brooke is committed to the promotion and development of strong and inclusive workplace cultures. Throughout her career, she has championed a customer-centric approach to foster a culture where staff members are connected to the community’s needs and feel valued and empowered to contribute their best.

The People and Transformation directorate plays a pivotal role in developing a high-performing organisation through a focus on culture, leadership, and transformation, enabling the delivery of our customer experience commitment by working together – delivering better. The directorate is responsible for:

  • Generalist human resources, organisational development, safety and wellbeing and payroll.
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT) systems and support and business analysis.
  • Transformation and improvement of Council systems and process and change management.
  • Corporate planning, performance and service review management.

The corporate directorate focuses on:

  • Ensuring the highest standards of governance and probity in all elements of Council’s operations
  • Support for the Audit and Risk Committee
  • Ensuring rates are raised and collected using accurate valuations
  • Managing financial assets and resources, and managing the annual budget and financial reporting processes
  • Support for Council's Asset Management Committees

Contact: bholmes@hepburn.vic.gov.au


Ron Torres at Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens

Ron Torres – Director Development and Community

Prior to joining Hepburn Shire Council in September 2023, Ron worked at an inner-city metropolitan council in a number of Directorial and Management roles including Statutory Planning, Strategic Transport and Sustainability.

Ron is a transformational leader with a proven track record of delivering complex, city-shaping projects and strategies. He skillfully builds and leads large, cross-functional teams, creating a cohesive culture of staff who are engaged, motivated and service-focused. He is strategic and calm in a fast-changing, high-pressure environment, cutting through issues to deliver tangible projects and program outcomes.

Ron’s strong political and business acumen combine with consultative stakeholder engagement skills to manage competing views in a sensitive manner.

Holding a Bachelor Planning and Design, Ron has extensive experience in local government land use planning, strategic transport planning, regulatory services, sustainable development, animal management and economic development programs.

The Development Directorate incorporates these areas of responsibility:

  • Strategic Planning – guiding strategic direction for future development, land uses and the protection of heritage and the environment.
  • Building Services – advising on permits, asset protection and regulations.
  • Statutory Planning – providing professional advice on planning matters, assessing applications for new developments and changes to land use.
  • Biodiversity – helping to protect and enhance the Shire’s unique and diverse environment.
  • Environmental Health - discharging duties under legislation, including Food Act 1984 and Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2009.
  • Local Laws – responding to issues and local community needs and local laws enforcement
  • Planning for, responding to and recovery from emergencies
  • Community Safety – delivering regulatory services in accordance with relevant legislation.
  • Customer Experience, libraries and community facility management.
  • Communications 

Contact: rtorres@hepburn.vic.gov.au

Executive Assistant to the Director of Development and Community, Patricia Madden
