Business grants, guides and support

Grants and other funding programs are available from the federal, state and local governments to assist with activities such as business expansion, development and research, exporting and innovation.

Business Friendly Mountain Bike Guide

We have created a Mountain Bike Friendly Guide to assist our local businesses to be Mountain Bike-Ready with the early opening of 30km of Djuwang Baring (Creswick Trails). The guide provides information on:

  • Mountain biking - why its a big deal
  • Creating a thriving mountain bike destination
  • Building a mountain bike-ready business
  • Examples of successful mountain bike businesses to inspire you!!

We are looking forward to an increase in both locals and visitors coming to ride Djuwang Baring, (Creswick Trails). This guide is designed to provide you with a better understanding of mountain biking itself along with some ideas to grow your business to be prepared to welcome bike riders.

Read the Guide(PDF, 9MB)

Business grants

Hepburn Shire Council Grant Finder - Council provides this Grant Guru website for free to local businesses and community. The site provides a comprehensive and up-to-date list of grant and funding opportunities available.

Austrade - Access export services to learn the basics, become export ready, find grants and right market for your product. - Find grants and assistance programs relevant to your industry and business and information on AusIndustry.

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning - Delivers grants that support energy, biodiversity, environment renewable energy, sustainability, forest and reserves and water catchments.  

Grant Connect - The Australian Government centralised publication platform of forecast and current opportunities.  

Regional Development Victoria - Supports business in developing and facilitating investment, creating jobs, and increasing the number of innovative enterprises in regional Victoria.  

Sustainability Victoria - Provides funding for a range of projects and initiatives including recycling and reducing waste.

Business advice and support

Find out what advice and support is available for your business including industry, financial and education.

AI Group Business Advisory Service - this is delivered by Business Victoria in partnership with Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) and provides expert guidance and tailored support to small businesses in regions affected by the October 2022 floods, which includes the Hepburn Shire. A business advisor can help you with: pinpointing immediate and long-term needs; building your businesses acumen and digital literacy, connect with your providers and resources to improve you business resilience; customised strategies and mentorship and support services including counselling and business coaching. Visit the website for further information and webinar/workshop details.

Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - Find out more about business registrations, BAS, online services, workshops and more.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)Find the latest information on consumer rights, your business rights and protections and product safety.

Business Victoria - Provides information and access to financial support, advice, education and training programs to help you improve your business.

Consumer Affairs - Victoria’s consumer regulator has information for both businesses and consumers and aims to help create a fair marketplace for all.

Fairwork Ombudsman - Learn more about any new determinations or variations, find templates and best practice guides along with information on employee’s wages, leave and conditions.

Global Victoria - Are you thinking about exporting? Find out more about export markets, getting export ready and being globally competitive.

Rural Financial Counselling Service Victoria West - Free, confidential, independent business support for farmers and small business owners navigating financial challenges including operating through drought, bushfire, disaster and COVID-19. Call them on 1300 735 578 or visit the website.

Victorian Chamber of Commerce - Find information and assistance about workplace matters, health and safety, events and networking opportunities, policy and advocacy.

Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (formerly VCGLR) - Get the latest information on liquor and gambling licence and permit requirements for your business.

Victorian Small Business Commission (VSBC) - Get information and assistance about retail and commercial leases, disputes, fact sheets and brochures. Find out about mediation and more.

Victorian Tourism Industry Council (VTIC)Victoria’s peak tourism industry body and provides opportunities for learning and development, members to connect and advocates for the tourism industry.

Worksafe Victoria - Find out more on health and safety, licences, insurance and more.

Local business networks and groups

Joining a local business association provides excellent networking opportunities and the potential for business growth and development. Contact a local business association on the details below.

Business & Tourism Creswick Inc is a representative body of the community, cultural and commercial interests of Creswick and district. Email:

Daylesford Macedon Tourism (DMT) is our Regional Tourism Board who works to support the industry and provide correspondence to tourism operators on available opportunities and assistance. Email:

Tourism Midwest Victoria (TMV) is a peak tourism industry body designed to strengthen and grow Midwest Victoria’s visitor economy. TMV will support its industry partners through initiatives, creation of experiences, tourism products, marketing and industry development in Creswick and Clunes. Email:

Commerce Ballarat provide an up-to-date overview and fact sheets of the current status for businesses including employers, hospitality and tourism industries as well as development opportunities. Email:

Small Business Friendly Council Charter Agreement

In 2019, Council signed up to the Small Business Friendly Councils (SBFC) charter agreement.

This charter is a commitment between Council and the Victorian Small Business Commission (VSBC) to work together to create a fair and competitive trading environment for local small businesses.

For more information, or to gain access to any of the resources or services highlighted below, call our Economic Development team on (03) 5321 6122 or email 

Charter commitments and what you can expect from us

Work with small businesses disrupted by significant infrastructure projects

This means that Council will do its best to:

Support the creation of small business networks

The VSBC and Council will:

  • distribute the VSBC’s Guide to building stronger networks as needed
  • actively engage with small business networks and identify new opportunities for development
  • include representatives of local associations in conversations concerning small businesses.

Streamlined permit approvals processes for small businesses

Council will work towards improving permit approvals processes for new small businesses.

This may include:

  • an ongoing commitment to consolidating processes; or
  • implementing new strategies to streamline permit approvals processes for small businesses.

Prompt payment to local small businesses

Council will initiate processes to ensure invoices from small businesses are paid within 14 days.

Easy to read, easy to understand information for Victorian small businesses

Council will:

  • source and provide access to resources available at and VSBC
  • work with VSBC to develop new resources for small businesses.

Open channels of communication between the VSBC and local councils

The VSBC and Council will:

  • advocate on behalf of small business and work with relevant agencies to progress matters of concern
  • provide access to commercial disputes resolution mechanisms as appropriate.