ASPIRE – circular economy marketplace

An online platform for exchanging waste as a resource and making new business connections.

Your “trash” may be someone else’s “treasure” (and vice versa). ASPIRE exists to help divert such resources from landfill and onto a new life! 

ASPIRE (which stands for Advisory System for Processing Innovation and Resource Exchange) works by intelligently matching businesses with potential remanufacturers, purchasers or recyclers of their waste resources, and is available to any Hepburn Shire ABN holder.  

Council has invested in an ASPIRE licence that gives Hepburn Shire organisations with less than 20 staff FREE access to the platform. (Larger businesses can access the platform for a fee). Register your business in minutes to start exchanging waste today.

ASPIRE Registration 

The ASPIRE platform is just one of the many Circular Economy resources featured in the Circular Hepburn Toolkit for Business and Beyond. Follow the link to find out more.