Council is upgrading some important system software on Friday 21 February and Monday 24 February. You can still make payments in person, online and over the phone, but our Customer Experience staff may not have access to all your property information. Thank you for your patience.
The first Council meeting for 2025 is taking place on Tuesday 25 February at 6 pm in-person and online.
Council conducted a Business Survey to assist the Economic Development team to develop workplans and a focus for the next 12 months.
The survey targeted businesses located within the Hepburn Shire, reaching 610 subscribers through a direct standalone email via Council's Business eNewsletter. In addition, it was promoted on social media, in Council's Hepburn Life eNewsletter, advertised in The Local newspaper and on Council's website. The survey encompassed 44 questions specifically related to business.
The survey was an opportunity for Council to understand the challenges and what is considered important for the support, growth and development of local businesses. The survey responses have been analysed and a Business Survey Report and Implementation Plan have been created to support the findings and to align our work over the next 12-18 months.
Council would like to extend their gratitude to all the business owners and operators who gave their time to complete the survey. Your participation and feedback are invaluable and play a crucial role in shaping the future support for our local businesses.
Read the Business Survey Report and Implementation Plan(PDF, 1MB)